Free Ice Cream

October 19th, 2009

You fell for the free ice cream trick! Now you must escape from the cellar of the evil ice cream vendor, or you are chopped meat!

Free Ice Cream

Kidnapped by Ghosts

October 17th, 2009

[#2: Edit Options>MightyAdsense>Adsense Code]

Use your wits and calm nerves to escape from this scary house full of spooky ghosts om Halloween!

Kidnapped By Ghosts

Escape from the Bat’s Room

October 1st, 2009

[#3: Edit Options>MightyAdsense>Adsense Code]

Try to escape this simple room by using objects inside, before you go batty!

Escape from the Bat's Room

Halloween Escape

September 26th, 2009

Try to escape the freaky Halloween Room by using your wits and brewing your own potion.

Escape from the Halloween Room

Escape from the Box Room

September 26th, 2009

Try to solve puzzles so that you can escape the box room. Yes this is a rather weird escape game!

Escape from the Box Room

Treasure Hunter Escape 1

September 18th, 2009

Help John Marvel escape from a pirate ship and the pirates that have seized him.

Treasure Hunter Escape 1